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We offer processed fresh fruits and vegtables as an added value for our customers. Sliced red onions, bias cut carrots or diced peeled potatoes will save time, labor and spoilage. The packaging contains 100% useable product, ready to use, but above all, guranteed fresh & safe.

We offer the following produce processed for your business ready to go - DIRECT to YOU!

Bellpeppers, Diced


Bellpepers, Julienne

Bellpeppers, Sliced

Broccoli Florets

Carrots, Coin Cut'

Carrots, Diced

Carrots, Shred

Carrots Sticks

Cawliflower Florets

Celery, Diced


Celery Sticks

Onions Red Diced

Onions Red Sliced

Onions Yellow Rings

Onions Yellow Sliced

Onions Yellow Whole Peeled

Onion Yellow Julienne

Pico de Gallo

Tomato diced

Tomato Sliced

Lettuce Shred

Salad Mix

Cabbage Shredded

Cole Slaw


Cantaloupe Cubes

Pineapple Slices

Destemmed Grapes

Sliced Apples

Whole Peeled Melons

Orange Sections

Cubed Mango

Peeled Kiwi

Lime Wedges


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